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WebCab Bonds (J2SE Editio

General Interest derivatives pricing within the framework API. And Fras, Duration, Yield, ..


"General Interest derivatives pricing within the framework API. And Fras, Duration, Yield ,.."< br> dovnload.co.uk Editor: Java Components general interest derivatives pricing within the framework offers: set contract and vol / price / interest models and run MC. Pricing and interest rate cash and derivative products, including risk analysis. We cover the fundamental theory of bonds including: Treasury bonds, Yield / Pricing, Zero Curve, Forward rates / Fras, fixed interest bonds, duration and convexity. Download then "java-jar *. jar" prompt.

This product also features the following:

GUI Bundle - we bundle provides a graphical user interface JavaBean components, plug-in-one package that contains the developer (graphics, a wide range of functionality, including GUI / graphics) client applications.
JDBC intermediary - A J2SE Component mediate between a J2SE component, its J2SE Clients and the Database server. JDBC Mediator J2SE classes, all financial and mathematical specific methods with JDBC-based functionality to develop an appropriate way. Documents of every J2SE class jdbc sub-package JavaDocs check.
Web Application Examples - functionality that is provided by our J2SE Component that uses a Java WAR file that contains a JSP example.
Synthetic JDBC - JDBC functionality provided Web application, for example, included in this package. How long this Web application manually implementing the JDBC code in a JSP client using our J2SE Component is an example to. JSP Application methods are valid and some lines J2SE database lists the output in HTML format.

Note: 1 windows download, download 2 download for Unix and Linux may be free WebCab Bonds (J2SE Edition) 1 now.

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